• Question: is there a pill that has a whole meal in when you eat the pill if there is how did you make it

    Asked by Thomas L to Ciara, Elaine, Golnaz, Gonzalo, Yannis, Yvonne on 9 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ciara O'Donovan

      Ciara O'Donovan answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      No as far as I know this has not been developed yet.. perhaps someday.. although I like my food so I am not sure if I would enjoy this haha.

    • Photo: Gonzalo Delgado-Pando

      Gonzalo Delgado-Pando answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      The astronauts and military use something similar, it is not really a pill but food that has not water in it, it’s like powder. They just add the water and they get a full meal. Too prepare those meal are prepared normally and then the water is removed by using a process called freeze drying, the food is frozen and then applying vacuum the water gets out.

    • Photo: Ioannis Zabetakis

      Ioannis Zabetakis answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      No there is not but this


      is a good start 🙂
