• Question: @Elaine when you harvest sugarcane, is it bad for you before you turn it into grains?

    Asked by 568fddk28 to Elaine, Ciara, Golnaz, Gonzalo, Yannis, Yvonne on 6 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ioannis Zabetakis

      Ioannis Zabetakis answered on 6 Nov 2017:

      Sugarcane is as natural as sugar; in fact it is better as it is less processed. Point to remember here: the less processed the food, the better (i.e. safer, more nutritious, more tasty) it is! As long, the use of pesticides is monitored!
      So…enjoy your sugarcane with no fear 🙂

    • Photo: Elaine Kennedy

      Elaine Kennedy answered on 6 Nov 2017:

      Sugarcane is the starting material from which sugar is made. It’s not exactly bad for you but like sugar it is all about how much you eat. Too much of anything is bad – too much sugar causes problems with your teeth and your health this is why we should limit how much sugar we eat, this includes limiting how many fizzy drinks, sweets or cakes we eat.

    • Photo: Ciara O'Donovan

      Ciara O'Donovan answered on 6 Nov 2017:

      Sugarcane like Ioannis said is just an unprocessed form of sugar. Although slightly better than table sugar that we find in the shops as it has fibre (and so is slowly broken down in the body) it is still a sugar so should not be eaten in excess… everything in moderation in my opinion 🙂

    • Photo: Gonzalo Delgado-Pando

      Gonzalo Delgado-Pando answered on 6 Nov 2017:

      The good thing with sugarcane is that when you eat it is impossible to eat a lot. You spend a lot of time chewing to get that sugary juice and that fills you up. It is not about how sweet is one food or how many sugar it has in it, it is about how processed it is. Sugarcane contains other nutrients (like fibre) that makes it healthier than the plain sugar. As Ioannis have said, the less processed the food is the healthier. Fruit has a lot of sugar in it (sometimes as much as a fizzy drink) but nobody would think they are not a healthy choice, because they are not processed and have other healthy nutrients that the fizzy drinks don’t have.
